OHH Yes thank you for our vacation for it was much needed after all the doom and gloom that we have been dealing with here in dismal Washington (just the weather not the state itself) SOOOO 8 day cruise here were came! We started our cruise off heading down to WET RAINY San Diego! It was raining when we landed and continued to rain as we waited in line to check onto the cruise! Thank heavens I wore that awesome scarf pictures below that Bonnie (paul's mom) brought back for me from Egypt! Any how the wait wasn't too bad but I was soooo anxious to get on to the boat because this was my first real cruise.
We made it through the lines with me snapping pictures for most of the time trying not to act like a 5 year old who was way to excited to be on vacation. We got on the boat and I was starving so Paul and I hit up the buffet and it was awesome! There was so much good food to choose from and I got as much ice cream as I wanted which was a bonus for me and not my pants! haha! lame I know! Our first two days on the ship were days at sea, that was a lot of fun because I was able to get my sea legs and not be sick the whole time which is totally awesome! To be honest I can't quite remember all the things we did but all I know is that I was literally soaking up the sun as much as possible! The second evening on the boat was an elegant night and Paul and I actually got to dress up which we never do!
Thanks to both sides of the family I was able to look fabulous! Thank you to Laura holla holla lady for letting my use your dress I got lots of compliments and Thank you to Ashley for helping me find the best most PAINFUL shoes ever! But all I can say is DAMN because my calves looked amazing! haah Which is technically all that matters. We had great dinners in the dinning room and I was able to try all sorts of cool things that I wouldn't try in a restaurant because I am one of those people who just always orders all the same thing. But I told myself I need to try new things so I tried a bunch of things including a bunch of chilled fruit soups and delicious desserts! I found out that I LOVE BREAD PUDDING so delicious.
OK this I must explain! There were literally the craziest images on the walls of the hallways on the cruise ship like straight boobs and crazy sex scenes of King Tiritan getting it on with some crazy mermaid so Paul and I had to take a picture with it because it was just so insane and hilarious we always got a kick out of finding a new fun and exciting image on the wall!
Our first stop on the cruise was in Acapulco and we did this really cool tour with birds and turtles! So first we drove FOR EVER to this little river and went on a boat tour and saw all kinds of really cool birds and got to see a different side of Mexico! But the best part that we were all looking forward too was the baby sea turtles. We got to realse them back into the Ocean OMG it was so awesome!
It was seriously one of the coolest things I have ever done. There is this little foundation that watches the sea turtles and finds where they lay their eggs. Then they wait for the baby turtles to hatch and make sure that they ALL make it back into the ocean. So we were all able to get our own baby turtles name them and then watch them as the raced back into the ocean! SOooo cool to see that we were helping the environment in to real way but it was awesome to see close up how cool these animals really are!
Our second day was great and we were in Ziwantenaho. OK honestly I know that is not how you spell it but not even the computer has a suggestion for me that is how off I am but if you read it the way I spelled it, it sounds like the place that we went. We got to spend the whole day at the beach here and it was so awesome! There was a little reef and we rented some snorkling gear and got to see some awesome fish....well I thought they were awesome Paul wasn't as impressed haha! Then we got Jet Skies omg those things were so much fun! I have never been on one but they were awesome, Paul and I were zipping all over the place and it was seriously sooo cool! That was an awesome day and Yet Again I soaked up as much sun as I possibly could!
Our final day on land was in Mazitlan and yet again the computer has nothing for me! I know I am a terrible spelled bad enough that friggen spell check finds me to be an artartd! Any ways our last day on land we went ATVING! OMG SOOOOOO AWESOME we had such a great time, we went into the back woods of that part of Mexico and tore it up all over those dirt roads. I was riding so hard I even popped the tire of my ATV by driving over a piece of re bar. NOT on purpose mind you but thats how hard I was riding haha! It was such a blast riding those things I am almost positive that one day Paul and I are going to have to own some! Paul was going a little crazy trying to make the ATV go sideways and what not the guide said he was lucky the main guy wasn't there other wise he would have been off his ATV lol! It was a great time and after we finished they made us sooome BOOOAM BOOTY tacos sooo delicious! Although i was afraid to eat them at first for fear of them coming back later to attack me! In the end I ate them and I was sooo happy! We had an amazing trip!
The trip ended with 2 more lovely days at Sea! They were so awesome! We layed by the pool, we went down the water slides, we played tons of games and each day was better then the last! Although I did miss Thanksgiving with my family because we didn't have any turkey leftovers, and I will admit it I missed my mama! haha And cuddling with my daddy after eating a turkey sandwich. But the Dickson Family Thanksgiving is something I could get used too